Some reasons IPv6 is good for the Internet

The public IPv6 Internet can grow vastly larger, there are 18 billion billion /64 prefixes in comparison to IPv4's ~ 4 billion single addresses.
  • IPv6 allows Internet Transparency (see RFC 4924) whereas sharing IPv4 addresses breaks it
  • The Internet end-to-end principle is practical again using IPv6
  • Applications on hosts don't have to share addresses either
  • The IPv6 Internet can free itself from the technical restrictions of public IPv4 rationing and of NAT
    • There are no NAT restrictions on the range and number of TCP/UDP ports that an IPv6 host may use
    • No additional restrictions due to multiple layers of address sharing, e.g. in the home router and in the provider's network
    • No delays due to being diverted to and passing through stateful CGNAT
    • No need to send frequent keepalives to keep UDP port mappings from timing out
    • No broken Application Level Gateways (ALGs) to traverse
    • Application creators do not have to support NAT traversal
  • End-to-end connectivity need only be constrained by security policies, not by NAT
  • IPv6 does not suffer from the collision of RFC 1918 IPv4 address space problem when networks are merged


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